Our pastor at Trinity shared some wonderful news with us one Sunday as he introduced an elderly gentleman who was joining our church. He had just been saved
about a month before, and I had heard about it, (after all, it isnt every
day that a 94 year old man accepts Christ!) but I hadnt heard all of the
This man was born and raised in another faith but had never
truly heard the Gospel. His wife, a christian, had been praying for his
salvation for 58 years. Let me say that again, FIFTY EIGHT years! They are
old now and surely she may have feared that she could pass on first and
never see God move in her husband's heart but, she kept praying. She trusted God when he says in Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." How wonderful the blessings God has for us in HIS time!
Our pastor posed this question to the congregation,
"Can you trust God, even if you are NEVER given the 'why' of it?"
Imagine that. Trusting without EVER, in this world, knowing the plan! In the finiteness of our human minds we pretend to trust God, believing He will reveal His purpose over a period of time. But, what if 'in His time' means long after our death? Or twenty years from now? Or next month? What if, instead of having clear assurance of a favorable, tangible outcome, we have no indication that our prayers will be answered with anything but, "Wait."? What if, in fact, we are pretty sure we WONT live to see the fullness of His plan? Do you snatch up your ball and refuse to play any more? Or do you stay in the game, and choose to trust Him even when there is no earthly benefit that you can perceive? Trusting Him only because He is God and because His glory is more important. No matter the outcome? Do we really believe His glory is more important than anything we may ask for?
I knew my answer as soon as the question was given but most of us DONT.
I had been given the mixed blessing of the deepest despair paired with the profound peace that God graces his children with in their need. The grace that allows us to shelter ourselves behind the shield of faith and KNOW that, no matter what happens, God is faithful. How amazing to KNOW that even if we dont get the answer to prayer that we would like, God assures us that all things will STILL "work together for good, to those who love God and are called according to his purpose!"
There is deep peace in trusting God. REALLY trusting him. Peace in resting all your faith on Him even when you see no way for the outcome to be favorable for you. Even when you are fairly certain that you may never see the desire of your heart fulfilled in this life and it's still okay! And not just peace but JOY and peace! Imagine that! Joy in your deepest despair!
I've been so blessed to have been given an opportunity in my life to personally see that peace, but some wouldn't see it that way. Two and a half years ago, God used the worse time of my life to teach me to trust him. I mean REALLY trust him! To let go of everything I had made important in order to make HIM important. To teach me that He is truly sovereign, and that he truly DOES work all things together for good. To remind me to trust him and that he will "guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus" (Phil 4:6&7). No matter the earthly outcome.
I wont lie, it's not an easy journey. It generally begins in the deepest, darkest despair with no glimmer of hope that we can see but, as a friend of mine reminded me recently, when Joseph's brothers threw him into the pit and discussed how to rid themselves of him....the camels of the Ishmaelite traders were already on their way! (Gen 37:23-28) It must have seemed a weak reprieve to be sold into slavery rather than killed but God's plan is always bigger and grander than we can see in our human constraints.